Code Examples
Example 1: Print Hello World
This classic 'Hello, Zen!' program simply prints a greeting message to the console.
Example 2: Simple Addition
This program initializes two variables A and B, adds them together, stores the result in C, and then prints the value of C.
Example 3: Print Even Numbers
This program uses a JAB TAK HAI JAAN loop to print even numbers from 1 to 10.
Example 4: Input and Sum
This program takes input from the user, adds 10 to it, and then prints the result.
Example 5: Find Maximum of Two Numbers
This program takes two numbers as input and prints the maximum of the two.
Example 6: Factorial Calculation
This program calculates the factorial of a number.
Example 7: Fibonacci Sequence
This program generates the Fibonacci sequence for the first 10 numbers.
Example 8: Countdown
This program uses a loop to countdown from 5 to 1 and then prints 'Surprise !!'
Example 9: Multiplication Table
This program prints print multiplication table of number based on user input.
Example 10: Simple Calculator
This program performs basic arithmetic operations based on user input.
Example 11: Prime Number Checker
This program checks whether a given number is prime or not.